Monday, April 26, 2010

grapes in spring

photo z m evensen

Spring  in Southern California!  Almost every garden I see have grapes growing vigorously!   The recent rains most certainly helped. My grapes are  growing on a hillside.  We planted this little 'vineyard' last spring and as you  can see  below was our merlot last summer. Actually, we had so much grapes the first year -- thanks to the birds and  squirrels  that the fruit did not go for naught.
It would be interesting to be a vintner . A grand experiment, I must say. I have 14 vines -- half table grapes and have wine grapes -- merlot, sirrah, cabernet, zinfandel . We did this on  a lark -- our soil being mostly clay.  Right now, the young leaves are huge and  abundant -- great for stuffed grape leaves recipes.

photo z m evensen

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