Saturday, April 24, 2010


photo z m evensen

Looking for diesel oil for my thirsty persimmon truck,
I drove into King City -- crossed the tracks
next to rusty dilapidated buildings and fallowed fields.
Town folks in white sombreros walk in bunches --
as if walking alone is penance at high noon. 
The town sighs under the weight of purgatory --
its billboards and store signs frozen.
Time seems to move in foggy circles.
Yet, as I got lost  past the labyrinth
of small streets and narrow driveways,
homes explode in an allelujah
of red geraniums and life!

z m evensen
27 jun 1998 -- re  24 par 2010

Botanical Note:  This geranium is supposedly relatively new. I got a cutting from an friend. To my surprise, the flowers are variegated  as well as solid.

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