Saturday, January 12, 2013


photo copyright z m evensen
Everyone seem to be talking of coconuts as one of the new super foods. The only way I would use coconuts is to crack a fresh one . I love young coconuts -- not as young that the meat drapes over a spoon. The freshly cracked  coconut above is just about perfect. Once cracked , you can carefully slide a knife between the meat and the shell. Then slice the nut meat long and pencil thin and enjoy the snack. Nice with crudite  with  jicama, avocado, unshelled edamame before dinner.

One more thing, the only coconut water I'd drink is front a freshly cracked nut. Coconut in cans or cartoons do not taste as good. . A friend is into the paleo way of eating and seems that coconuts meet a lot of her needs. 

photo copyright  gdlc

Growing up, we used fresh coconuts as skin lotion,  hair conditioner, snacks, cooking oil, and flour. My grandfather built houses with coconut and bamboo, The coconut fronds are thatched for roofing.  Our generation ate the real organic foods -- mainly because we couldn't afford store-bought fertilizers. What an irony that my children and their kids spend a fortune buying everything organic. See my previous postof a poem on growing poor up in a rain forest. 

The picture above is from my family's coconut plantation.

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