Wednesday, September 15, 2010


you  melt-my-heart
kick-ass bitchin' you
coming here
i kneel
mud-caked hands
unkempt hair
i hide among
green leaves
kiss me
and whisper
the amaranths are
on fire !

(c) z m evensen
16 march 1995

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


What do you know? We are having too much merlot grapes on the vine. So, we uprooted a couple and replaced them with raspberries -- gold and red. Hope the berries will fare as well as the merlots. I can't bear throwing away good heirloom plants -- so I transplanted the vines in my  "farm". 'Twas back breaking work -- since the soil is parched by the recent heat wave in the valley.

Another experiment. 

I do not know if the Black Krim tomatoes which I grew from seed will survive when the weather turns "cold" in Southern California.  I transplanted some today  along with  red hopi amaranths . I started the season of 'reds'  -- brilliant red lettuce, red spinach and red hopi amaranths and merlot grapes  :-)
Will post  some pictures later. 

Heard it is raining in the Sierras.  It is time to  bury the bulbs for springs up there.